『A Brief History of Saudi Arabia 洋書』はセカイモンで864709c145add2から出品され、110の入札を集めて02月14日 8時 20分に、4046円で落札されました。即決価格は4046円でした。決済方法はに対応。山形県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
A Brief History of Saudi Arabia \r\r洋書\r\rFrom the dramatic rise in oil prices to the rights of womenan updated look at the history and developments of Saudi Arabia.\r\rSaudi Arabia is a country in transition, slowly but steadily changing from within and increasingly flexing its muscle and influence regionally. The country has entered the new century as a pivotal regional power. As the birthplace of Islam, it remains a powerful moral leader of the Muslim world, particularly the Arab arena. Its response to domestic terrorism has shown that the monarchy has the drive to confront destabilizing elements within its borders and the increasing value of its oil has provided financial and political security at home. Yet Saudi Arabia still faces the challenges of unemployment for many of its citizens, and its education system makes it difficult for Saudi youth to compete in the global market.
カテゴリー: | 本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>洋書 |
商品の状態: | 傷や汚れあり |
配送料の負担: | 送料込み(出品者負担) |
配送の方法: | 佐川急便/日本郵便 |
発送元の地域: | 東京都 |
発送までの日数: | 1~2日で発送 |
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